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As one of the critical dimensions of sustainable development, social development requires a more holistic, coherent and collaborative approach in designing and implementing national and local policies to make progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

CIFAL Jeju/JITC provides a variety of training programs to enhance capacity for national and local communities in the Asia-Pacific region to benefit from holistic and multi-disciplinary approaches available in such diverse areas as human trafficking, migration and refugees, urban poor, resilience and disaster risk reduction, making peaceful and inclusive societies, and so on.

[May 10-12, 2023] Workshop on Cities for All: Enabling Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Planning 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2024.05.29

UNITAR Jeju International Training Center (JITC) organized a virtual Workshop on “Cities for All: Enabling Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Planning” on May 10-12, 2023. The Workshop gathered 150 representatives from government sectors, NGOs, academia, and private sector, spanning 15 countries such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uganda, and Korea.


Experts highlighted various aspects of creating inclusive and sustainable cities. Mr. Michael Douglass, emeritus professor from the University of Hawaii, discussed integrating urban planning with nature to drive progressive and sustainable urban development. Ms. Haziqah Nasirah Zol Bahari from the Penang Women’s Development Corporation emphasized Gender Responsive and Participatory Budgeting (GRPB) to incorporate gender considerations into local governance. Ms. Karina Landman from the University of Pretoria explored inclusive design, focusing on accessibility features for disabled individuals. Mr. Shivani Gupta from the Global Disability Innovation Hub highlighted the importance of inclusive public spaces for societal integration and overcoming historical exclusions. Ms. Safaa Charafi introduced the Women's Safety Audit, a tool to assess urban safety from a female perspective, promoting gender-inclusive urban environments.


Participants learned about adaptable strategies for developing urban policies and gained insights into the potential of the New Urban Agenda for promoting sustainable urbanization aligned with the SDGs. In addition, the training shared best practices for inclusive and sustainable urbanization, focusing on creating inclusive public spaces. The speakers’ diverse perspectives enriched the Workshop, offering a holistic understanding of inclusive urban planning from various angles, including nature integration, gender responsiveness, inclusive design, and promotion of diverse and accessible public spaces. 


Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
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