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Environmental sustainability is defined as a responsible interaction with the environment to avoid depletion or degradation of natural resources and allow for long-term environmental quality. It is inevitably associated with the perspectives on human needs and well-being. In this sense, environmental sustainability is mutually reinforcing economic and societal sustainability. In other words, it is essential to live within the earth’s planetary boundary so as not to jeopardize the ability for future generations to meet their needs.

As part of the global and local efforts to meet the human-ecosystem equilibrium, CIFAL Jeju/JITC organizes environmental workshops on a variety of relevant topics like climate change and green growth, carbon-free development, waste management, e-mobility, and environmentally sound technologies. Serving as a venue to share policy experiences and action plans, the Center joins the effort of the global community in moving towards a more sustainable future.

[Sept. 7-8, 2023] Call for online participation in WS on Enhancing Inclusivity and Accessibility to Climate Technologies for All 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2024.05.27


Online Capacity-Building Workshop on 

Enhancing Inclusivity and Accessibility to Climate Technologies for All


7 (Thursday), 8 (Friday) September, 2023
At 14:00-18:00 (Seoul Time)




The significance of developing and disseminating climate technologies globally cannot be enough emphasized. Climate change experts widely acknowledge that addressing climate change, in terms of both mitigation and adaptation, would be nearly impossible without the innovation in climate technologies [1]. In recognition of this importance, the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) was established as the implementation arm of Technology Mechanism in the Paris Agreement to support developing country Parties’ efforts to achieve carbon reduction goals.

Since the inception, the Mechanism has been actualized through both tangible and intangible platforms for 10 years. These platforms connect the demand and supply sides of climate technologies by offering technical assistance (TAs) to countries in need alongside with financial support arrangements. However, as the architecture continues to evolve, it has become increasingly  comprehensive and intricate, particularly as the Conference of the Parties (COP) progresses. Accordingly, it has become imperative to support capacity-building of key stakeholders who are involved in the climate technology scene. As a first step toward a system transformation faciliation, mainstreaming the role of multiple stakeholders remains a prominent task in order to cultivate a more inclusive climate technology ecosystem

Meanwhile, the demand for environmentally sound technologies is experiencing a significant surge across various sectors of society. This can be attributed to the remarkable progress made by the global green transformation movement [2]. Furthermore, through the valuable feedback received from workshops on environmental sustainability conducted by UNITAR CIFAL Jeju in 2022 and 2023, it has become evident that there is a strong and widespread need for sustainable and climate-friendly technologies. This need transcends affiliations, encompassing central and local governments, public agencies, and private sectors alike. 

In respond to such growing needs, UNITAR CIFAL Jeju and UN CTCN are co-organizing a capacity-building workshop aimed at enhancing the facilitation and inclusivity of the climate technology ecosystem, dissemination and implementation, with a particular focus on the Asia-Pacific region’s developing countries. Fully congnizant of the pressing need to raise awareness and build capacity to tackle challenges posed by climate change, this year’s climate technology workshop will prioritize maximizing the accessibility and inclusivity of the Technology Mechanism for multiple stakeholders. The goal is to empower a diverse range of stakeholders engaged in climate response, enabling them to gain deeper insights into climate technologies and the international mechanisms available to support countries in implementing climate actions.  

This in-depth learning opportunity is designed to strengthen the capacity of central and local government officers and representatives of the private sector, and civic groups who are professionally involved in decision-making, development, deployment and financing of climate technologies. Participants will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the Climate Technology & Technology Framework, the Mechanism of the Paris Agreement and their detailed components. Not only will they learn the concepts but they will also receive practical guidance on how to effectively utilize them. This will enhance their chances of effectively collaborating with their national climate change focals/experts to properly utilise assistance from the Mechanism and access the global pool of appropriate climate technologies through related platforms. In addition, the workshop will include a special session dedicated to hearing the active voices from diverse stakeholders who are involved in the climate technology scene. This session aims to bridge the gap between climate technologies and their intended utilization for a zero-carbon future in the Asia-Pacific region.

[1]UNFCCC, Technology and the UNFCCC - Building the foundation for sustainable development, 2016

[2]PWC, The State of Climate Tech 2020 The next frontier for venture capital, 2021




UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/Jeju International Training Center

UN CTCN (Climate Technology Centre & Network) 




Online: Zoom




Central and local government officers, representatives of the private sector and decision makers of CSOs and NGOs who are professionally engaged in the decision-making, development, deployment and financing of climate technologies


 Event Objectives 

-Introduction of Climate Technologies and the Technology Framework and Mechanism of Paris Agreement

-Overview of Platforms and Toolkits Which Facilitate the Dissemination of Climate Technologies for Various Stakeholders (e.g. TNA Base, Climate Technology Platforms from WIPO & NIGT)

-Assessing Challenges and Potential Breakthroughs for the Widespread Adoption of Climate Technologies in System Transformation Efforts on Site

-Facilitating Conversations among Multi-Stakeholder for an Inclusive Climate Technology Ecosystem and Identification of Climate Technology Demand

-Adopting a Multi-Stakeholder Approach in Policy-making for Climate Technology Promotion and Dissemination



 Learning Objectives 

 After this event, participants will be able to:

-Understand the Climate Technologies and the Technology Framework and Mechanism of Paris Agreement 

-Familiarize themselves with Platforms and Toolkits Which Facilitate the Dissemination of Climate Technologies for Various Stakeholders (e.g. TNA Base, Platforms from WIPO & NIGT) 

-Take Stock of Challenges and Potential Breakthrough for the Widespread Adoption of Climate Technologies in System Transformation Efforts on Site 

-Contribute to the More Inclusive Climate Technology Ecosystem by Joining Conversations among Multi-Stakeholder and Identifying Climate Technology Demand 

-Comprehend a Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Policy-making for Climate Technology Promotion and Dissemination




The training will be comprised of:  

Lectures by experts

Multi-Stakeholder Conversation (Presentation) by Participants

Interactive Participation Session


 Agenda - Subject to Change 

Agenda_dark blue.jpg

Methodology Methodology Methodology Methodology  


Online (The whole program will be delivered using the Zoom platform.)




A Certificate of Completion and Participation will be issued by UNITAR, UNITAR CIFAL Jeju and UN CTCN upon completion of all requirements

* Types of Certificates

A certificate of completion will be provided to participants who took part in the "Multi-Stakeholder Conversation (5-10 minute presentations by participants)". 

A certificate of participation will be given to the remaining participants.



Multi-Stakeholder Conversation

We are inviting voluntary participation from individuals who are currently working at Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), private sector, academia, or other sectors and would like to share suggestions and comments on the climate technology landscape, or to express their on-site demand for climate technologies.

These suggestions and comments will be recorded, edited, and posted on the CTCN webpage.

The organizers are accepting __EXPRESSION__s of interest to participate in the session, along with workshop applications, through the provided application link,

Candidates who will be accepted to the Multi-Stakeholder Conversation session will be contacted individually for further procedures. 



Ms. Hyunju Grace Lee, Program Officer/UNITAR CIFAL Jeju 


Dr. Jeawon Kim, Capacity Building and Network Engagement Specialist/UN CTCN 



Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-64-735-6585 ㅣ FAX : +82-64-738-4626 ㅣ E-mail :

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