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As one of the critical dimensions of sustainable development, social development requires a more holistic, coherent and collaborative approach in designing and implementing national and local policies to make progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

CIFAL Jeju/JITC provides a variety of training programs to enhance capacity for national and local communities in the Asia-Pacific region to benefit from holistic and multi-disciplinary approaches available in such diverse areas as human trafficking, migration and refugees, urban poor, resilience and disaster risk reduction, making peaceful and inclusive societies, and so on.

Building Education System Back Better in the COVID-19 Context 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2020.10.27

Virtual Dialogue Webinar

Building Education System Back Better in the COVID-19 Context



22 September 2020, Jeju, Republic of Korea – UNITAR CIFAL Jeju organized an online workshop on “Building Education System Back Better in the COVID-19 Context” on September 22 using the online platform “Zoom”.


The event invited 14 representatives from the governmental sector along with NGOs and International Organizations. They came from 7 different countries including: India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Vietnam, and Philippines.


The event was composed of two presentations by experts, followed by a plenary session including Q&A. The invited experts were Dr. Edna A. Co, Director of CIFAL Philippines, and Mr. Jonathan Valdez, School Health and Nutrition Technical Advisor at Save the Children.


The experts talked about the implications of COVID-19 on education, ways to mitigate risks for the health and safety of vulnerable children, and how to make distance learning readily accessible to them. During the plenary session, both participants and experts shared opinions and ideas on adapting the existing education system to the rapidly changing environment resulting from COVID-19. They also discussed how to reduce the education gap exacerbated by the pandemic and gendered impacts of COVID-19 school closures.


Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
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