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As one of the critical dimensions of sustainable development, social development requires a more holistic, coherent and collaborative approach in designing and implementing national and local policies to make progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

CIFAL Jeju/JITC provides a variety of training programs to enhance capacity for national and local communities in the Asia-Pacific region to benefit from holistic and multi-disciplinary approaches available in such diverse areas as human trafficking, migration and refugees, urban poor, resilience and disaster risk reduction, making peaceful and inclusive societies, and so on.

[Mar. 25, 2024] Workshop on Insights into SDGs, Challenges of Implementation, and Tasks Ahead 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2024.06.11

UNITAR Jeju International Training Center (JITC) organized an online Workshop on Insights into SDGs, Challenges of Implementation and Tasks Ahead on March 25, 2024. This Workshop, attended by 213 participants from 29 countries, aimed to motivate the international community to work harder to achieve the faithful implementation of the UN SDGs and recognize again its significance, given its sluggish and lack of progress despite the approaching deadline of 2030.


In Session 1, representative from UN SDG Office in Incheon, Korea, covered topics such as background of the SDGs and comparison with the MDGs, its 17 goals and 169 specific targets. He emphasized that the SDGs aim for improved quality of life worldwide, while MDGs focused on the improvement of basic needs in developing countries.


In Session 2, representatives from UNESCAP focused on the efforts for SDGs implementation from the Asia-Pacific region. They highlighted the importance of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs), detailing specific procedures to submit them. They introduced UNESCAP’s Leave No One Behind platform through which member countries can check degree of SDGs implementation and areas of deficiencies. This platform aimed to facilitate an effective monitoring on member states’ performance on specific SDGs targets, quantitatively indicating necessary actions.


In Session 3, representative from Seoul National University analyzed trends and future challenges in SDGs implementation, emphasizing a whole-of society approach and integrated approach such as HDP Nexus as ways to facilitate SDGs implementation. He also emphasized the need for increasing funds for the development of low and middle-income countries through the involvement of MDBs, NGOs, and Civil Society Organization.




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