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[2022.11.14-11.16] Good Health and Decent Wor..

[2022.11.14-11.16] 지속가능한 발전을 ..

2022 Global Citizenship Education

2022 찾아가는 세계시민교육

[2022.09.29-10.06] Sustainable Fashion: Chall..

[2022.09.29-10.06] 지속가능한 환경을 ..

[2022.08.02-08.11] Measures to Address Human ..

[2022.08.02-08.11] 인신매매 방지 접근..

[2022.7.5-7.14] Risk-informed Governance, Cl..

[2022.7.5-7.14] 재난위험관리와 지역 ..

[2022. 6. 22-6.24] Accelerating SMEs & Startu..

[2022.6.22-6.24] 포용적이고 지속가능..

[2022.05.24-06.02] Decent jobs and Economic G..

[2022.05.24-06.02] 문화창조산업의 양..

[2022.05.25-05.27] Accountable Approaches for..

[2022.05.25-05.27] 지속가능한 도시 발..

[2022.04.22-05.06]Role of Mobility in Buildin..

[2022.04.22-05.06] 탄소중립 사회를 위..

[2022.06.22-24]Accelerating SMEs & Startups..

[2022.06.22-24] 포용적이고 지속가능..

[2022.04.20-04.27]젠더기반폭력의 예..

[2022.04.20-04.27]Preventing & Responding to ..

[2022.05.25-05.27]문화창조산업의 양..

[2022.05.25-05.27]Decent Jobs and Economic Gr..

[2022.05.25-05.27]Inclusive, Participatory a..

[2022.05.25-05.27]Inclusive, Participatory a..

[2022.03.31-04.06] 관광 산업의 탄력적..

[2022.03.31- 04.06]Resilience through Digital..

[2022.03.15-03.24]노동환경 변화에 따..

[2022.03.15-03.24]Leveraging Social Dialogue ..

[2022.04.22-05.06] 탄소중립적 사회를 ..

[2022.04.22-05.06]Role of Mobility in Buildin..

[2022.04.20-04.27] 젠더기반폭력의 예..

[2022.04.20-04.27]Preventing and Responding t..

[2022.03.31~2022.04.06] 관광 산업의 탄..

[2022.03.31~04.06] Resilience through Digital..

[2022.02.24~02.25] 기후탄력적 농업을 ..

[2022.02.24~02.25] Climate-Resilient Agricult..

[2022.02.07~02.23] 청년워크숍 Life Below..

[2022.02.7~02.23] 18th Youth Workshop Life Be..

[2022.03.15~03.24] Leveraging Social Dialogu..

[2022.02.24.~ 02.25]Virtual Environmental Wor..

[2022.02.24.~ 02.25]온라인 환경 워크..

[2022.02.07.~ 02.23]Online Youth Workshop : Y..

[2022.02.07.~ 02.23]온라인 청년 워크..

[2021. 9. 1,2&8] Virtual Training Workshop on..

[2021. 9. 1,2&8] 온라인 역량 개발 워..

[2021.6.30&7.7,9] Restarting Tourism in Asia ..

[2021.6.30&7.7,9] 아시아 태평양 지역..

[2021. 5,26&28]Accelerating Digital Transform..


Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
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