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[KLRI] Public Diplomacy Act ( Republic of Korea) 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2018.01.03


Act No. 13951, Feb. 3, 2016

 Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to contribute to improving the Republic of Korea's image and prestige in the international community by forming foundations to strengthen public diplomacy and enhance the efficiency thereof by providing for matters necessary for public diplomatic activities.
 Article 2 (Definition)
"Public diplomacy" in this Act means diplomatic activities through which the State promotes foreign nationals' understanding of and enhance confidence in the Republic of Korea directly or in cooperation with local governments or the private sector based on culture, knowledge, policies, etc.
 Article 3 (Basic Principle of Public Diplomacy)
(1) Public diplomacy shall be pursued by harmoniously reflecting the universal values of mankind and characteristics peculiar to the Republic of Korea.
(2) Public diplomatic policy shall focus on the promotion of sustainable cooperation for amicable relations with the international community.
(3) No public diplomatic activities shall be disproportionately concentrated on any specific region or country.
 Article 4 (Responsibility of State)
(1) The State shall establish and pursue comprehensive and systematic strategies and policies to strengthen public diplomacy and enhance the efficiency thereof.
(2) The State shall formulate an administrative and financial support plan necessary for establishing and executing strategies and policies under paragraph (1).
(3) The State shall make necessary endeavors, such as in establishing a platform for cooperation with local governments and the public sector, in order to efficiently conduct public diplomacy.
(4) The State shall make necessary endeavors, such as in education and public relations, in order to form social consensus on the importance of public diplomacy and promote the people's participation in public diplomacy.
 Article 5 (Relationship to other Acts)
(1) Except as otherwise expressly provided for in other Acts, this Act shall apply to public diplomacy.
(2) Where any other Act is enacted or amended concerning public diplomacy, such Act shall be enacted or amended in compliance with this Act.
 Article 6 (Formulation of Master Plan for Public Diplomacy)
(1) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall formulate a master plan for public diplomacy (hereinafter referred to as "master plan") every five years in consultation with the heads of related central administrative agencies, the Special Metropolitan City Mayor, Metropolitan City Mayors, Metropolitan Autonomous City Mayors, Do Governors and Special Self-governing Province Governor (hereinafter referred to as "Mayor/Do Governor").
(2) Each master plan shall include the following:
1. Policy direction and objectives in pursuit of public diplomatic activities;
2. Matters concerning the establishment and coordination of major policies for public diplomacy;
3. Matters concerning raising and operating funds for public diplomacy;
4. Matters concerning laying a foundation, improving systems and evaluations relating to public diplomacy;
5. A plan to support local governments in public diplomacy;
6. A plan to support the private sector in public diplomacy;
7. Other matters necessary for public diplomatic activities.
(3) A master plan shall be finalized following deliberation by the Public Diplomacy Committee under Article 8. In such cases, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall notify the heads of related central administrative agencies and Mayors/Do Governors of the finalized master plan.
 Article 7 (Formulation of Action Plan, etc. for Public Diplomacy)
(1) The heads of related central administrative agencies and Mayors/Do Governors shall formulate and implement an annual action plan for public diplomatic activities (hereinafter referred to as "action plan") in conformity with a master plan, and submit such action plan and the performance results of each agency and City/Do to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
(2) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall formulate and implement a comprehensive action plan (hereinafter referred to as "comprehensive action plan") every year by integrating action plans referred to paragraph (1) and an action plan of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
(3) The head of each overseas diplomatic mission shall annually formulate and implement a plan for public diplomatic activities, including activities of the overseas diplomatic mission and public institutions under the Act on the Management of Public Institutions (hereinafter referred to as "public institution") within its jurisdiction, according to a master plan.
(4) In the formulation and implementation of plans under paragraphs (1) through (3), the similarity and duplication of activities shall be avoided. In particular, related agencies shall closely cooperate with one another so that the plans may be formulated and implemented based upon the local characteristics of each region and each country.
(5) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall notify the heads of related central administrative agencies and Mayors/Do Governors of the details and results of each comprehensive action plan and plan for activities on the area over which a overseas diplomatic mission has jurisdiction under paragraph (3).
(6) Other matters necessary for the formulation and implementation of action plans and comprehensive action plans shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 8 (Public Diplomacy Committee)
(1) The Public Diplomacy Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee") shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in order to deliberate on and coordinate the principal matters for the comprehensive and systematic pursuit of public diplomatic policy.
(2) The Committee shall deliberate on and coordinate the following:
1. Matters concerning the formulation, alteration and pursuit of a master plan;
2. Matters concerning the formulation and evaluation of a comprehensive action plan;
3. Matters concerning cooperation and coordination in public diplomatic affairs among government departments;
4. Matters concerning the civic participation, public-private cooperation, etc. in relation to public diplomacy;
5. Other matters tabled at meetings by the chairperson of the Committee in relation to public diplomacy.
(3) The Committee shall be composed of not more than 20 members including the chairperson; the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall serve as the chairperson, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall appoint or commission members from among Vice Ministers or Vice Minister-level public officials of related central administrative agencies, and those who have extensive professional knowledge and experience in public diplomacy, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.
(4) Other matters necessary for the composition, operation, etc. of the Committee shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 9 (Support to Local Governments and Private Sector)
(1) Where a local government requests the State to cooperate in public diplomatic activities, the State may provide necessary support.
(2) Where necessary to strengthen the private sector's participation in public diplomacy, the State may subsidize expenses fully or partially within budgetary limits or provide administrative support necessary to conduct affairs.
(3) Matters necessary for support under paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 10 (Fact-Finding Research)
(1) The Minister of Foreign Affairs may conduct fact-finding research on the status of public diplomacy for establishing and implementing public diplomatic policy.
(2) Necessary matters concerning public diplomatic matters subject to and methods of fact-finding research pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 11 (Establishment and Operation of Comprehensive Public Diplomacy Information System)
(1) The Minister of Foreign Affairs may establish and operate a comprehensive public diplomacy information system in order to conduct public diplomacy in a systematic and efficient manner and provide useful information to related agencies, etc.
(2) Where necessary to establish and operate a comprehensive public diplomacy information system, the Minister of Foreign Affairs may request the heads of related central administrative agencies, Mayors/Do Governors, the heads of public institutions, etc. to provide necessary data. In such cases, the heads of related central administrative agencies, etc. requested to provide data shall comply with such request unless there are extenuating circumstances.
 Article 12 (Designation, etc. of Institution That Pursues Public Diplomacy)
(1) The Minister of Foreign Affairs may designate an institution that pursues public diplomacy (hereinafter referred to as "institution that pursues public diplomacy") in order to efficiently conduct activities necessary to pursue public diplomacy.
(2) An institution that pursues public diplomacy shall conduct the following activities:
1. Support for the formulation of a comprehensive action plan and an action plan;
2. Establishment of a platform for cooperation with institutions, organizations, etc. related to the pursuit of public diplomacy at home and abroad;
3. Establishment and operation of a comprehensive public diplomacy information system;
4. Conducting support projects of education, consultation, public relations, and other areas for public diplomatic activities;
5. Training of professional manpower for public diplomatic activities;
6. Fact-finding research and compiling statistics on public diplomacy;
7. Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives for designating the institution that pursues public diplomacy.
(3) The Minister of Foreign Affairs may subsidize expenses incurred in the operation, etc. of an institution that pursues public diplomacy.
(4) Matters necessary for the designation, operation, etc. of an institution that pursues public diplomacy shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
 Article 13 (Report to National Assembly)
The Government shall prepare a report on the current status, etc. of the pursuit of a master plan and a comprehensive action plan, and submit such report to the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea before its regular annual session.
This Act shall enter into force six months after the date of its promulgation.

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