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[August 6-7, 2024] Youth Workshop on Shaping Sustainable Future-Oriented Energy Landscape for Next-Generation Leaders from Developing Countries 기사를 twitter로 보내기 기사를 facebook으로 보내기 2024.06.13



With a focus on ambitious and expanded greenhouse gas reduction targets, countries worldwide are projected to greatly increase their deployment of renewable and clean energy. Particularly in developing nations, there is a steady rise in demand for renewable and clean energy as countries strive to simultaneously pursue economic development and greenhouse gas mitigation goals. The Post-2015 Declaration[1] adopted at the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in September 2015 underscores the role of renewable energy in sustainable development. Among the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the seventh goal, "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and clean energy for all", highlights the expansion of renewable energy in the global energy mix (SDG 7.2), as well as international cooperation for the expansion of renewable energy in developing countries.


According to the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP)[2], to facilitate greenhouse gas reductions in developing countries, engaging in comprehensive international cooperation and solidarity encompassing expanded renewable energy deployment through green Official Development Assistance (ODA), the linkage between business support initiatives, information and personnel exchanges, technology advisory services, and specialized education is imperative. While Korea once was a recipient of ODA, there is now a growing consensus that it should reciprocate by extending support. Indeed, Korea aims to increase the proportion of ODA in the green sector significantly above the OECD average by 2025 and has pledged $300 million for future ODA projects2. To enhance the effectiveness of green ODA, it plans to utilize various financing methods like bilateral, multilateral cooperation, and public-private partnerships and focus on areas such as green energy and eco-friendly mobility in developing countries to promote capacity development and sustainable growth2. The KIEP2 also highlights Korea’s support for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and its plan to expand cooperation with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) by establishing a Green New Deal Fund. This fund aims to support consulting and financing activities in five major Green New Deal areas, including energy, transportation, smart city development, water management, sanitation, and agriculture, starting in 20222.


The Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) conducts ODA projects[3] to address the carbon neutrality issues faced by underdeveloped or developing countries. KIAT implements Green ODA to establish eco-friendly energy infrastructure in developing nations. For instance, in Ecuador's Galapagos Islands, known for their natural beauty, KIAT installs solar-powered microgrids to achieve fossil fuel elimination3. Additionally, installing Frequency Regulation Energy Storage Systems (FR-ESS) in Senegal to address power grid instability is another noteworthy initiative3. These initiatives address climate change, affordable and sustainable clean energy, and contribute to other cross-cutting Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries.

However, supporting energy projects in developing countries can face a variety of risks and barriers across different categories. For example, green/energy ODA in Mongolia[4] faces significant challenges due to the country's extreme cold climate, heavy reliance on coal, and public skepticism towards government measures. The harsh winters necessitate high energy consumption for heating, predominantly met by coal-fired power plants, which exacerbates air pollution and carbon emissions.


As shown by Mongolia, despite efforts to introduce cleaner technologies and renewable energy, the adoption of such environment-friendly technologies in developing countries can be hindered by the high initial costs, technical difficulties, and unreliable wind and solar energy sources due to fluctuating weather conditions. Additionally, in some developing nations, there is widespread public criticism and mistrust regarding alternative fuels' effectiveness and environmental impact like improved briquettes4. Addressing the challenges of sustainable energy adoption in developing nations therefore requires a multifaceted approach. This includes bolstering international climate financing, fostering collaborative efforts between public and private sectors, and conducting extensive public awareness campaigns to instill trust in new technologies. Long-term energy policies integrating carbon pricing mechanisms and incentives for foreign investment are also crucial for achieving significant emissions reductions and improving overall energy efficiency in these regions[5].


Against this backdrop, the UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/Jeju International Training Center plans to organize a Youth Workshop on “Shaping Sustainable Future-oriented Energy Landscape for Next-Gen Leaders”, on6th - 7th August 2024 at the Jeju International Training Center. JITC recognizes the importance of addressing diverse energy needs through ODA and relevant challenges across developingcountries, and would like to provide valuable insights, knowledge exchange, and collaborative opportunities. Through expert-led sessions and site-visit sessions,JITC aims to empowerparticipants from developing countries with the tools and strategies necessary to understand the complexities of the future-oriented energy landscape and contribute to driving the transition towards renewable energy in their home countries.We extend a warm invitation to all selected participants and look forward to a productive and impactful workshop.


[1]The adoption of the Post-2020 Climate Regime at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris in late 2015 marked a significant shift from the Kyoto Protocol.

[2]KIEP Yul Kwon, ‘Korea’s Green ODA: Performance and Challenges | KIEP Opinions | Publications’, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, 2022,

[3]KIAT, 2024, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) conducts Green ODA projects to address carbon neutrality and sustainable energy issues in developing countries, as detailed on their homepage under the title of Business Proposal Announcement/Material Category.

[4]Soowon Choi, Zoljargal Munkhsaikhan, and Jinhwan Oh, ‘The Impact of Official Development Assistance on Carbon Emissions in Developing Countries: Implications for Mongolia’, Nakhara : Journal of Environmental Design and Planning 21, no. 3 (19 December 2022): 221–221,

[5]Munkhsaikhan, Zoljargal. "Impact of Official Development Assistance in Energy Sector on Carbon Emission.", 2023.


Organizer: UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/Jeju International Training Center


Date: 2024 August 6th (Tue) ~7th (Wed)


Venue: Jeju International Training Center (Offline)


Event Objectives


For the capacity-building, this event aims to:

Provide insights into key strategies for promoting sustainable energy transitions in developing countries and identify opportunities for enhancing renewable energy infrastructure, fostering energy talent, and improving international energy cooperation.

- Equip next-generation leaders (students, public officials, and private sector stakeholders) from developing countries with valuable knowledge and strategies to navigate the complexities of the renewable energy landscape and contribute to sustainable development.

- Facilitate collaborative efforts among ODA beneficiary countries to expand sustainable energy deployment and establish a platform for sharing and coordinating outcomes of bilateral and multilateral cooperation and PPP, emphasizing mutually beneficial initiatives.


    Learning Objectives


    - Gain insights into the current state and projected growth of sustainable/renewable energy in developing countries.


    - Understand the significance of international cooperation in fostering sustainable energy transition and explore successful models and lessons from countries with excellent sustainable energy practices.




      The training will be comprised of:


      - Expert-led lecturesfeaturing renewable energy transition of developing nations and sharing successful  case-studies of renewable energy development in developing countries and Korea

      - Site-visit Sessions


        Target Audience:


        Next-generation leaders (Students, government/public officials, policymakers, and regulators) involved in energy, environment, and sustainable development in developing regions, who are responsible for shaping and implementing policies and projects to promote energy development (by invitation only)


        Application Process:


        Application Period: ~ 28 June (Wednesday), 2024

        How to Apply: Scan the QR code, complete all the required sections, and submit the Google Form

        *Kindly note that only selected applicants in Jeju will be notified individually
        *We aim to include around 5 Korean participants from Jeju, in addition to those already selected from other countries


        Participation Requirements:


        Selected participants are required to:


        - Young adults aged between 19 and 39

        - Must be residing in Jeju

        - Be fluent in written and spoken English

        - Individuals involved in the energy, environment, climate change, sustainable development sectors and UN SDGs




          All Participants: Certificate of Completion


          * Certificates will be awarded to only those who have attended all sessions in person




          For further inquiries, please contact

          UNITAR CIFAL Jeju

          Mr. Sung Jun (Jun) Jang,

          Program Officer
          Tel 064-735-6586 / Email

          United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)

          Centre International de Formation des Autorités et Leaders (CIFAL)




          Jeju International Training Center affiliated with UNITAR ㅣ 227-24, Jungmungwangwang-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do, 63546 Republic of Korea
          TEL : +82-64-735-6585 ㅣ FAX : +82-64-738-4626 ㅣ E-mail :

          Copyright ⓒ CIFAL Jeju. All Rights reserved.