UNITAR CIFAL-Jeju is pleased to inform you that we will offer financial support for implementing up to two of the advocacy projects developed during the 12th youth workshop. The grants/grant will be worth up to ₩ 1,000,000 KRW and will support your advocacy activities. This grant is aimed at empowering youth to develop their own advocacies and implement them on the ground by influencing policy decision makers and changing practices or systems. We are requesting a grant proposal (2-3 pages) which should include the following: 1.Background statement of the problem- What problem would be solved through your advocacy? Be specific about why this is important. 2.Description of your advocacy project and its aim- Tell us about your project here 3. Stakeholders, partners, target group- Who is affected by your advocacy and who do you need to work with? 4. Project timeline- Tell us what needs to happen (when), and how funding will help each phase (when needed). Ideally, this would take around between 2-3 months. 5. Budget- Breakdown into categories such as, room fees, refreshments, administrative supplies, equipment, rental fees, etc. *Please indicate what in-kind (non-cash) contributions your group can acquire from possible stakeholders or partners on your budget plan Please make sure that a proposal is specific and shows the steps you plan to take in your advocacy implementation and includes the information listed above. REMEMBER- think SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) We believe that this is a great opportunity to value and implement your advocacy for making a profound difference in a meaningful way. This will also allow you to develop a sense of pride and ownership in your community, nation, and region. In addition, this opportunity will help build your resume and gain experience utilizing grant writing skills. Please submit your proposal via email by the deadline date of September 3rd, 2018 (23:59, Korean local time). Essay submissions must be saved as a single file (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) and emailed to greendreams.kor@gmail.comwith the subject line “Grant Proposal for Group No.” (your group number) |